Free Printable Baby Shower Name Tags Game
Here is Free Printable Baby Shower Name Tags Game that is funny and also a great ice-breaker. On this page we have shared the printables for this game in three different colors. You can print this in the color of your choice. This baby shower game can be played in two different ways and both ways are fun. Prior to your baby shower party, print these game cards on a heavy card stock, then cut each name tag and paste a safety pin on the back of each tag with the help of tape. You can also get these tags laminated if you have a big budget and if you want to keep things fancy.

How to play 1: Paste a name tag on the back of the guests as they enter your home. They have to ask other guests for hints to guess their name. People who guess their names correctly will get a little prize.
How to play 2: Give each guest a name tag as they enter the home. The rest of the guests will have to call the guests by the name that is written on their name tag. The person who calls the other guest by their real name will have to pay a penalty each time they'll make this mistake.
Free Printable Baby Shower Name Tags Game in Blue Color
Click on all three images one by one to get the bigger, printable versions of these name tags. There are 30 name tags in total and these blue name tags are perfect for a boy baby shower. You can print the game cards as per the number of your guests. For instance, if you have only 20 guests you need to print just two sheets. If the number of the guests is over thirty then you may print duplicate tags.
Baby Shower Name Tag Game Printables in Pink Color
Here are thirty more free printable name tags in pink color that you can print for a girl baby shower. Just click or tap on the each thumbnail one by one and save or print the bigger image.
Printable Name Tags for Baby Shower in Gender-Neutral Orange Color
Here are these name tags in a gender-neutral orange color. You can print these name tags if you like orange color, if mom and dad-to-be do not know or do not want to reveal gender of the baby.