Free Printable Baby Predictions Game for Baby Shower
baby Predictions is a unique free printable game for Baby Shower because it's winner can be declared after baby is born. I have made free printable cards for this game in three colors so you can play it on both boy and girl Baby Showers choosing the color that matches your theme most.

How to Play: Distribute printed baby predictions game cards among your Baby Shower party guests along with a pen or pencil for each guest. Ask them to write at what date do they think the baby will be born, what will be it's height and weight and any advice for parents-to-be. Ask them to write their addresses on the back so the prize could be sent to winner via mail.
Free Printable Baby Prediction Game in Orange Color
Here are these game cards in a gender neutral peach and orange color that you can use for both boy and girl Baby Showers. In order to save these cards click on the image above, a bigger image will open up, just right click on it and save it to your computers.
Baby Prediction Game Cards for Baby Shower in Blue Color
If you are having a boy Baby Shower party then you can use these baby prediction cards made in blue colors.
Girl Baby Shower Baby Prediction Game Cards Free Printable
For a girl Baby Shower, save this image in pink color by clicking on the smaller image and then right clicking and saving the bigger image. You can print this game one or two days prior to your Baby Shower party. It will be better if your print these games on hard card stock paper but it is up to your choice and convenience.